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4/7/2001 - A Family Gets Together

On a sunny, windy, April Saturday near Champaign, IL...Bob Goodman (Grandpa) met up again with his two brothers, Bill and Dick and his sister Mary and many of their kids and their families.  We called the neighbor over to shoot this picture with about 15 different cameras.  

We talked, we ate and we took pictures!  What more do you need?!

(Click on pictures below for larger images)

Dave, Uncle Bill and Dad - The resemblance is scary, huh?

AKA-the three Daves

Brothers Dick, Bill and Bob

Dave/Mike, Rich, Dad, Jon, Pat/Dick, Chuck/Mary

Chuck/Mary, Jon/Shelly, Bill and Will

Pat/Dick, Suzie/John, Angela/Rich and a bunch of kids (help me out here!)

Dad, Susan/Mike, Michelle, Dave/Caroline, Randy/Robby/Andrew

Susan, Randy, Robby and Andrew

Dad and his siblings; Mary, Bill and Dick

Shelly (Bill and Rose's daughter) and Jon

Suzie, John (Dick and Pat's Son)